Cedar Pollen Allergy is prevalent in America and affects a good number of people. If you are one of them, then this article will be beneficial to you. The point of focus here is Cedar Pollen Allergy or Cedar Fever. It is the inflammation of the respiratory organs caused by an allergic reaction to airborne substances from plants like cedar trees.
We discuss what causes it, symptoms of it, and how you can avoid getting it this year and in the future.
What is Cedar Pollen Allergy?
Cedar pollen allergy is one of the most common allergies during the spring. Those with cedar tree allergies react to the yellowish-red male blossoms from trees such as junipers and red cedars, both of which are in the cypress family. These blossoms contain substances called pollens. This pollen causes what is known as allergic rhinitis.
Cedar pollen allergy is most severe in December to February when the trees pollinate. These trees are primarily found in Texas, Kansa, Utah, and California.
What are the Symptoms of Cedar Pollen Allergy?
Cedar Pollen Allergy is a respiratory allergy affecting the whole body. It is also called Sinusitis. It is caused by an allergy to closely planted evergreen trees like cedars, pines, junipers, and sometimes spruces. Symptoms may include:
- a stuffy or runny nose
- sneezing
- headache
- watery eyes
- sinus pains
- itchy sensation all over
- tiredness
- sore throat
- partial loss of smell
In severe cases, people may experience difficulty breathing.
The symptoms have been associated with increased visits to doctor’s offices and emergency rooms in the spring, particularly after a rainstorm in cedar-rich areas of the Rocky Mountain region.
How do You Treat Cedar Pollen Allergy?
Over the Counter (OTC) Remedies
- The symptoms can be controlled with antihistamines or decongestants available over-the-counter as pills, sprays, or eye drops.
- With nasal irrigation, you can use a neti pot, bulb syringe, or squeeze bottle to fill the nasal passages with saltwater and flush out allergens and excess mucus. The patient should mix two cups of hot, sterilized water with one tablespoon of salt to fill a syringe or neti pot.
Treatments by Prescription
- OTC drugs with longer-lasting effects may prove more effective for individuals with more persistent allergy symptoms.
- The physician may also prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and oral or nasal corticosteroids.
How Can You Prevent Cedar Pollen Allergy?
- Make sure your doors and windows are closed. When pollen levels are incredibly high, run the air conditioner.
- You should change the air conditioning filter frequently. To help filter the pollen even further, you can use a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter.
- You should dampen a cloth and vacuum daily with a vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter to keep your home clean.
- If you have been outdoors for a long time, you should take a shower and change your clothes. You will be protected from pollen falling on your clothes and hair.
- Even indoor pets need to be bathed frequently.
- Replace cedar trees with hardwood trees, such as elm, ash, or oak, to add a sense of beauty to your yard.
Final Thoughts
The positive is, cedar pollen allergy is a seasonal allergy. So if you are allergic to cedar pollen, you will only have to deal with it during springtime. However, there are steps you can take to prevent it. If you keep your house clean, your pets bathed and indoors, and you wear appropriate clothing, you can avoid this allergy.